Monthly Archives: September 2012

Red Panda Pet

Red pandas are a little bigger then a house cat. It would be cool if I could have one as a pet. If you knew someone who got a red panda and it was cheap, would you get one?

Here is a picture of a pet red panda.

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Filed under Red Panda Kids


Male red pandas are crepuscular. That means that they are active during twilight. Twilight is like dawn and dusk. Males are solitary except during mating season. Solitary means that they prefer to be alone. Here is a picture of a male red panda named Pemba. That means Saturday in Nepalese.

Also I am going try to learn Nepalese so I am going to do a lemonade stand and other fundraisers to get money for a trip to Nepal. If you want to come to the lemonade stand, be my guest and come to Costa Rica and stay at Ana’s Place. She has scarlet macaws there just to let you know. Hope you come!!!! Date tbd, btw.

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Filed under Red Panda Kids